Sunday, April 22, 2012

Seven Springs, AZ Day Trip

A few weeks ago, before the weather got dreadfully hot too soon, hubby came up with a great idea to get us out of the house.  It got us into the beautiful air and it gave him the chance to brush up on his 4 wheel drive skills :)

We drove to Seven Springs which is about 45 minutes north east of Cave Creek.  We packed up the kids, threw together a lunch and snacks and were off for the afternoon.  Unfortunately because it had been so dry and we haven't had rain in months, everything was dead and there weren't any pretty flowers to be seen anyplace.  It was a bit depressing as it reminded me of what the summer heat does to our scorched state.  But I also remembered it was 73 degrees at the beginning of February and many other states were still digging out of snow storms - so I snapped out of it!

There was just a small stream of water running through the creek but it was enough for the kids to get their feet wet.  I kept my feet dry because I didn't want icicles to start forming, but Nathan screamed when we took him out of the water.  He is definitely my boy that loves anything with water; sinks, toilets, washing machines, pools, etc... he is going to be a handful to watch come swimming time!

 Any of you have recommendations for day hikes in the Phoenix area?!?

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