Please don't get me wrong, she is doing really well and I love watching her interact with the other kids. It's just so easy to start to compare your kid to everyone else's and I have to remind myself that she is a God created individual with her own timeline and talents and behaviors. One of the things that made me most frustrated was that she wouldn't listen to the teacher very well. My first instinct was to punish her in time out until she would listen and respond to the teacher, but I quickly learned that we would be missing the entire ballet class while sitting in time out :) My own mom then graciously reminded me that a)she's only 27 months old and that b)she is a really good kid!!! There are characteristics in her that the Lord specifically choose for Kylie's will and I get to thank God everyday for those traits and learn how to gently shape her into who God has designed her to become and not me :)
I now try to get ready for ballet with a much better attitude that this is simply fun for her, and if she only runs across the classroom without pointing her toes or doing a "pleat" (I don't have a clue how to spell that one!), it's okay because she's learning new things everyday and this is one more thing that is making her into God's not-so-perfect Kylie. But then again, if she were perfect, what would our need be for a perfect God? Thanks Lord for giving me this insight and I pray that I keep it close at hand!