Yippee! I'm super excited about my trip to target today! I heard that they were having their annual 75% off post-Christmas sale and boy did I hear correctly! Last year, I stocked up on all our gifts for the year at this sale, and I was able to do the same thing again this year! I just finished adding up my receipt and I got more than $758 worth of merchandise, and with the 75% discount, I only paid $175 for all of it!!! I attached a picture below (excluding the wagon which I have to go back tomorrow and pick up because it wouldn't fit in my car) and my tally included the following:
Step 2 wagon (Yahoo!!! This alone is listed for $99 on Target's website)
3 Care bears
2 digital trivial pursuit games
blow up kids mattress
10 person Coleman tent
little tikes soccer ball pit
flower princess play tent
mr potato head
preemie cabbage patch kid
kids barbie camera
art desk
kids digital art studio
new towels & bath mats for Kylie's new bathroom
and more!!!
There was clearance sections thruout the entire store, so if you have a few minutes to go wander the aisles for yourself, you might find some great deals too! Because of this sale, I'm set for gifts for this year and they are amazing! It is so gratifying to be a good steward of the financial resources the Lord has entrusted to me and I'm so thankful that I've learned how to make our money go so far. It's my passion to teach this information my readers and I am so excited for you to become successful yourselves! Please leave a comment and ask a question and/or tell me your great success stories!
Then, I quickly ran into CVS to pick up my free Dove Beauty bars and then to Walgreens to pick up my free Hershey's candy bars (most of the other free stuff I had to get rainchecks for.) You can see the original posts here and here.
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