My gracious husband is almost always the one to jump out of bed and take Kylie in to watch the WonderPets or Care Bears or Toy Story and let mom sleep until he goes to work or I wake up (normally the latter!) Well, on one lovely pre-dawn morning this week when daddy was on shift, Kylie decided to awake even earlier, at 5:15am despite missing her nap the previous day. That morning, she absolutely did need her beauty rest and her internal clock needed some new batteries :) She also decided that she would start waking us up completely naked, diaper and all. This was also one of these such mornings! Finally, after many tears and fighting not to go back to bed, I awoke again at 7:15 to come into her room and find this:
Kylie fast asleep, completely naked (picture has been censored :) ) on her Dora sleeping bag in her closet!!! I couldn't help but love her more at that moment than any other 5:45am moments! Honey, this is one that will definitely be shown in the wedding montage!
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