Up until now, the extent of Kylie's playtime with other babies has been her doll. She is such a little momma and wants to spend her time feeding baby, changing baby's diaper, giving baby her boppy, putting baby to bed, putting baby on the big girl potty, etc, you get the point :) She has a fully loaded baby stroller, a baby cradle with bedding, a baby doll snugli, baby diapers/bottles/blankies/boppies, etc... I can't wait to see how Kylie will interact with her future siblings, Lord willing. I remember from as far back as I can always wanting to be a mommy and now I get the chance to fulfill that dream. I can only hope & pray that Kylie gets to fulfill her dreams that same way, whatever they may be!

Kylie is such a cutie! She has so much personality and kindness already!
Hey Bec
This is so sweet! Total girly girl :) Maybe Shay and Kylie will get to experience mommy-hood together one day like you and I. I am so blessed to get to do this with you girl!
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