Mix and Match Sale: Buy 10 items (mix and match) and get $5 off at checkout. More items are included but not listed in the ad so just look for the tags hanging on the store shelves. Prices below are after the $5 discount has been applied!
Kraft Shells and Cheese or Kraft Deluxe $1.99
Right Guard or Soft and Dri Deodorant $2.49
USE:$1/1 coupon from 4/19 SS
=FINAL PRICE: .99 each
Lysol Wipes $2.49
USE: $1/1 from 6/7 SS
* 16-oz. Organic Strawberries 2 for $5
* Dulcinea Seedless Watermelon, Cantaloupe or Honeybliss Melon B1G1FREE
* Fresh Express Garden Salads or Spinach 4 for $5
* Pint Blueberries or 12-oz. Raspberries B1G1FREE
* Red Seedless Grapes 2.49 lb.
* White or Yellow Peaches 1.99 lb
* Whole Fresh Pineapple 2.99 each
Possible Coupon:
- .50 off Del Monte Fresh Pineapple (if this is the correct brand)
* Yellow Nectarines .88 lb.
* 73% Regular Lean Ground Beef 1.87 lb.
* Assorted Pork Loin Chops 1.27 lb.
* Fresh 93% Lean Ground Beef 1.87 lb.
* Horizon Organic Milk 3.99
Use:Horizon Organics, Printable
* Dannon Yogurt Cups .50 each
USE:Dannon Light & Fit Nonfat Yogurt Cups, any .60/6 (7-31-09) SS-5/3
* Sargento Shredded Cheese 2 for $5
USE:Sargento Natural Deli Style Sliced Cheese (any variety 5oz or larger) .40/1 (7-15-09) SS-4/19
* Silk Soymilk 3.99
* Lucerne String Cheese 2.99
* Breyers Ice Cream 2 for $5
USE:Breyers Ice Cream, any 1.5 quart or larger $1/1 (7-12-09) RP-5/17
* Barilla Pasta .89 each
USE:Barilla Piccolini, .75/1, Printable
=FINAL PRICE: FREE (if variety is included)
* Hamburger Helper 1.00
USE:.80/3 Printable
=FINAL PRICE: 2.00 wyb 3
* Betty Crocker Traditional Brownie Mix .79
* Del Monte Canned Veggies .79
* Dole Fruit Bowls 1.79
* Prego Pasta Sauce 1.49
* Seattle's Best Coffee 6.99
USE:$1.50 Printable
* Vlasic Pickles B1G1FREE
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