If you open a new account at Bank of America on or before February 27, 2009, you will get $50 deposited into your account within 90 days of opening the account. $100 deposit required and only one bonus check per household.
As an added bonus, you can open your account online as well. Make sure to use offer code AOU261208. Click here for a location near you.
Check out the details at Bank of America
Also, we recently moved and there is a Chase bank less than 2 blocks from our house. We received a piece of mail from them which would have "cost" me $100 had I thrown it away. It was an offer for $100 free when I opened a new savings account with them for a minimum of 6 months. This is a pretty good return on my investment! Words of advice, if you've recently moved keep your eyes open for free mail offers.
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