This weekend was definitely a busy one for the Holt's! Kylie was able to see 2 of her aunts & uncles from out of state, Aunt Natalie from Florida and Uncle Darren from Seattle. It was so much fun catching up with them and they were amazed to see how much Kylie has grown. It continues to amaze me how much these little ones can change from week to week and I am cherishing every moment that I have with her! Additionally, we had the privledge of having Kylie dedicated at Desert View Bible Church this past Sunday. This was simply our chance to tell our friends & family that we intend to raise Kylie in a Christian home and that we want help & support from them! It was such a special time and we got to spend lots of time with family! And, after 9 months of being toothless, Kylie broke her 2 bottom teeth Saturday & Sunday night! I've been trying to capture that on film for days now but have been totally unsuccessful at it! I'll keep trying :)
Aunt Natalie loves me!
Eric, his brother Darren from Seattle, and his other (single) brother Travis from here
Kylie's Dedication by pastor Sandy Mason
Kylie & Grandma Gayle
All dressed up for her baby dedication
Me & Grandpa Randy!
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